Alison Wiesenmaier profile picture

Alison Wiesenmaier

Team Captain Oliver’s Crew 2024 UNITE WALK (New York, NY)

Support Me

For many, a world without bleeding disorders is simply a dream. Thousands of kids and adults affected face internal bleeding, costly treatments and lifelong infusions.

Our 6 year-old son Oliver has severe hemophilia A. We have witnessed first hand just how new therapies and support from hemophilia treatment centers impact quality of life. We are looking forward to participating in our fifth walk this year! In years past we have been honored as “Best New Team” and “Top Individual Fundraiser.” 

Every dollar is put back into the bleeding disorder community. Your contributions will support critical initiatives such as research funding, educating medical providers, and ensuring that families affected by bleeding disorders have access to healthcare and better resources. 

Thank you for your support and please join us on June 2nd for the walk!

Love, Alison & Kurt